Sauce Blanquette

This sauce is delicate and velvety. Use it to gently cook veal and add any vegetables you like. Serve it with rice, or as we do for our April menu, in puff pastry!


1 ea yellow onion

3 ea bay leaves

4 sprigs parsley

4 ea cloves

5 ea white peppercorns

500 g white veal stock

100 g beurre manie

200 g cream


  1. Combine the onion, cloves, peppercorns, bay leaves, parsley, and stock in a stock pot.

  2. Reduce by half.

  3. Strain into another saucepan and bring to a simmer, then whisk in the beurre manie.

  4. Simmer for 15-20 minutes to eliminate any raw flour taste and to thicken the sauce.

  5. Add the cream, bay leaves, cloves, and reduce until the sauce is thickened again and coats a spoon.

  6. Strain again. Season to taste.


The Dinner Party Guide


Pepperoni Butter