Sommelier Notes for May

Pairing notes for our May menu by Sommelier Bill Summerville

It’s hard to go wrong wine-wise with May’s menu as contrasts of texture, flavor and color, invite wines of many stripes. 

The Apero

Whites with good acid will dance well the with bright spring flavors and textures and tame the richness of the pork terrine. Do not be afraid of dry rieslings from Germany and Austria, these will create a near perfect friendship with this dish.

The lightest of reds, (almost rosé) is where it’s at wine-wise these days and especially this time of year. Delicious and playful these wines don’t boldly insert themselves, but harmoniously join the conversation making it more complex and enjoyable. 

Do not forget about rosé. And as always default to bubbles. 

The Duck 

If you wanted to have just one wine with this meal the above wines would flow beautifully to the duck course. But why would you want just one wine?! 

Contrast is the move with salty goodness of the duck confit. A lighter to medium bodied red, fruit driven and wrapped in a bit of acidity will do the trick. Think village level Beaujolais or a silky Mount Etna beauty.


Sweet Corn & Melted Onion Butter


Pepperoni Fried Egg